36. 练习: IN

使用 IN 运算符的问题

  1. 使用 accounts 表返回 Walmart、Target 和 Nordstrom 的 name (客户名称), 同时包含 primary_poc , 以及 sales_rep_id

  2. 使用 web_events 表查找所有通过 organic adwords 渠道联系的个人的信息。


This section contains either a workspace (it can be a Jupyter Notebook workspace or an online code editor work space, etc.) and it cannot be automatically downloaded to be generated here. Please access the classroom with your account and manually download the workspace to your local machine. Note that for some courses, Udacity upload the workspace files onto https://github.com/udacity , so you may be able to download them there.

Workspace Information:

  • Default file path:
  • Workspace type: sql-evaluator
  • Opened files (when workspace is loaded): n/a